Bulk update markup prices on staging or production environments
This release allows you to apply markup rate in bulk to wholesale and marketplace prices to either the production catalog or staging catalog.
Currently, markup can only be set after a product is published, creating a complicated process and risking purchases without markup. This streamlined process improves efficiency and reduces the risk of selling products without desired profit margins.
To enable this update, a new check box is added to the Download Catalog and Update Catalog sections.
This checkbox is enabled only for Wholesale and Marketplace prices for now. Using this you can select to download the published prices from the production or staging catalog. You can also upload the updated markup prices for wholesale and marketplace to production or staging catalog from the Update Catalog section.
Feature enablement
This feature is not enabled by default. Contact your AppDirect technical representative to request it.
Setting enablement
This feature is enabled by default.
Documentation will be updated with the release.
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